

Every cold store manager knows that, somewhat paradoxically, ice is the last thing you need in a freezer room.  It clogs up the evaporators, makes the floor dangerous, and stops the mobiles from moving. But now there is another reason to ban ice from the freezer, it covers the racking, preventing proper rack inspections. It also can cause pallets to slip off the beams. Freezer store ice normally consists of moisture which is sucked into the room. At minus 25 ⁰C freezer rooms create a vacuum as the air volume decreases. Air flaps are supposed to prevent this pressure difference but are commonly frozen shut. Ice formation happens when the doors are left open and moist air enters the cold store. When the moist air encounters the steel and the floor, the water vapor in the air condenses to form water and then freezes to form ice. When the cold store door is opened, the warm moist air in the airlock is sucked into the store, depositing its moisture content as ice on the coldest immediate surfaces, normally the floor, insulated panels, and racking. Eventually, this ice will move(sublimation) to the coldest surface, being the evaporator fins, insulating them, making the refrigeration system work harder and driving up electricity costs. Moisture can also be introduced via leaking panel joints, malfunctioning drip trays, and, increasingly, accidental sprinkler discharges. Barri Malherbe, Barpro’s SEMA-approved rack inspector, isn’t happy with the amount of Ice in South African freezer stores as it can make rack inspections extremely difficult. Please see the attached pictures. Slippery floors and ice-covered racking will lead to more rack damage increasing the risk of collapses. The problem of cold store ice will never be completely solved while access doors exist. However, it can be minimized by installing well-planned airlocks. Pressure equalization flaps should be serviced regularly so that they work. This will prevent partial vacuums over weekends which can suck air through panel joints. As a minimum, freezer doors must be kept closed providing the door heater tapes are working and the rubber seals are intact.  There are many door designs, fast-moving and otherwise, to assist in keeping moisture out of freezers, but these only work if properly maintained. For remaining floor ice and malfunctioning drip trays, Barpro has I-smelt, a non-corrosive white powder that does what its name says. Removing ice with gualas/crow bars isn’t recommended as they create floor cracks allowing moisture ingress which then widens cracks further.               See the gallery of pictures of ice build-up discovered on his travels through South Africa. For more information contact: Barri-Leon Malherbe SEMA Approved Rack Inspector – Reg: 0344 Mobile: 082 565 3970 Office: 021 5529190


cold store floor rising

Why is your cold store floor rising?

Above Image: Heater mat being covered by a thin concrete layer at a newly built freezer store in the UK. In a newly commissioned Danish freezer some years ago, a Storax mobile refused to move. After some initial panic, it was found that the obstacle was a ridge in the concrete floor. As the floor had been checked for level after initial curing, the newly formed ridge was surprising. The floor had a glycol heater mat beneath the underfloor insulation and every circuit had a flow meter outside the building so that movement of the glycol mixture heated by the refrigeration system condensers could be easily checked. A bumblebee had become lodged in a flow meter obstructing the flow of glycol and allowing ice to form in the subfloor and creating the problematic ridge through “frost heave”. The bee was removed, the ice melted and the ridge disappeared without cracking the concrete floor.   In Australia, 200mm pipes are laid under freezer floors and air pumped through them to stop ice from forming in the subfloor. At one freezer the pipe did not have sufficient fall, condensation puddled and froze obstructing the pipe eventually causing the cold store floor to rise. At one local store, similar air vents were blocked to prevent rat ingress. That floor rose by 900mms……..     In South Africa, while some recent stores have installed glycol systems, most rely on electrical heater mats which normally consist of three circuits of wire a little like a hot blanket on a bed. The wires lie in a sand bed which may or may not be held together with a weak cement mix. The circuits end in a control box which turns them on only if the temperature beneath the cold store floor dips beneath 4 degrees C.   4 degrees C is interesting as water with impurities can freeze at higher temperatures than zero. Some chill stores have found this out to their cost, as heater mats were considered unnecessary. As the business changed temperatures were dropped to minus 0.5 degrees C and the rooms kept running year round instead of being switched off in the summer months. After several stores experienced frost heave, heater mats and underfloor insulation have now become part of the building design.   While it may sound obvious, check that the heater mats are on when the chamber is commissioned. We have seen at least three stores where the floor rose through frost heave because the heater mats had not been turned on. In one instance the floor subsided. In the others the movement had already cut the wires.   I have visited one store where the heat mat cables had been cut by accident and attempts were made to drill right under the floor in the insulation to replace the wires. I don’t know if the plan worked.   What I have found somewhat surprising is the number of times when management don’t immediately know where the heater mat control panel is situated and how it works.  Only last week we had to help a customer who found that his heater mat control panel needed fixing. This was only identified after the floor began to rise. It is critical that heater mats get checked regularly and that management understands their purpose. In freezer stores, especially those with mobile racking systems, keeping the floor level is so essential that annual floor level checks are recommended.   Need a storage solution for your new facility? Contact us: [gravityform id=”10″ title=”true” description=”true”]   Read more: How to choose the right storage system Read more: What’s so different about cold store floors? Read more: The Strange History of Insulated Cold Store Panels  

Why is your cold store floor rising? Read More »

Close freezer store doors

Close your freezer store doors during stock take

Above: A Storax mobile base close to an entrance of a freezer store. The ice build up occurred over a period of time.  When taking stock in a freezer store it is common practice to turn off the evaporator fans and leave the door(s) open. This provides more comfort for the stock takers but causes another problem in mobile racked stores. When air humidity is high, the warm moist air enters the cold room door as the dry but relatively heavy cold air flows out at the bottom. With the fans off the moisture in the air tends to move to the coldest place it can find which is the racking and the floor. Steel mobile racking wheels have a sufficient co-efficient of friction with the steel rails in the floor to move even when heavily loaded. However add just a few microns of ice and the situation changes resulting in the wheels turning but mobile base not moving. In serious cases the solution is to scrape the rails with wire brushes, especially those which support driven wheels so as to provide the necessary traction. This is a frustrating exercise but if one closes the door, turns on the fans and runs the refrigeration system with a low suction pressure the mobiles will probably move more easily the next day. This happens because the thin ice sheet on the floor sublimates to the evaporators via the moving air as they will now be colder than the floor. But it’s better to keep the door closed even while stock takers are inside. Keep your freezer store workers warm for longer with Delf Freezerwear [gravityform id=”12″ title=”true” description=”true”] Read more: Do you have an ice build up? Read more: Vector Peninsula uses i-Smelt Read more: Fight the return of the ice age… in your cold store

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