Article source: Cold Chain Federation UK

Whilst many organizations provide general guidance on managing health and safety in the workplace, this guide identifies the key health and safety hazards in a typical cold storage workplace – it is not an exhaustive guide to all health and safety risks, and businesses should ensure they are fully aware of all the health and safety risks specific to their operation. Where more general guidance is available from other trusted organizations, links to these are provided throughout.

This guidance has been designed to be accessible to all employees in a cold storage business, from a warehouse operative to senior managers, however, its primary audience are those individuals responsible for ensuring health and safety compliance. To aid this, key legislation is clearly highlighted in each section where appropriate.

This guidance has been designed to be accessible to all employees in a cold storage business, from a warehouse operative to senior managers, however, its primary audience are those individuals responsible for ensuring health and safety compliance.

The guide is specifically aimed at the UK regulations but can be useful to the South African cold chain market. Please click here if you wish a copy of the publication.

For more information contact:

Tom Southall

Policy Director

Cold Chain Federation

01189 884468   |    07886 847522