Barpro Storage can make STORAX Mobile bases in Cape Town workshop

Initially the Barpro workshop was set up to make spares for existing Storax systems as clients couldn’t wait for replacement  fabrications to be sourced from Europe.  This is important as a significant percentage of local  Storax systems have been operating for over 10 years.  In emergencies, fabrications can be made up, painted and despatched within 48 hours of order placement.

The workshop now also makes smaller Storax systems and supplies additional bases to clients who have rails installed in their freezer room or warehouse floors.  Additional bases are installed in the cold by Barpro technicians, suitably equipped with DELF Coldwear suits, and are made to STORAX specifications.

At current exchange rates, locally made Storax systems can be competitive with imported ones. Lead times are generally halved.  Barpro Storage also holds rail stocks in Cape Town.

Wheel Units nearly ready for dispatch - Manufactured by Barpro Storage SA
Wheel Units nearly ready for dispatch – Manufactured by Barpro Storage SA