If the sock fits
Barpro is seeking Cape Town Freezer store personnel to test socks Cold store workers are used to discomfort. In South Africa, with ambient summer temperatures of over 30 Degrees Celsius, they are subjected to thermal shock on every entry into a minus 25 degree Celsius freezer. Feet are particularly prone to discomfort as they are in constant contact with cold freezer floors. While quality cold store boots with air soles can keep the feet warmer, all cold store workers will be wearing socks. Barpro has decided to test socks made from Wool, Alpaca, Mohair, synthetic fibres and Possum to see which ones give the best cold protection with the greatest comfort at the least cost. Once the New Zealand sourced Possum socks have arrived, testing will take place and the results published. You can contact Danielle Manuel at 021 552 9190 or email danielle@barpro.co.za if you would like to participate in the Barpro sock test.